It was off to the Battle Arena on The Uplift World Test Server  again this week for the Walkabout to battle with the bots! It is easy to join just go to the lobby and choose your bot and name him, press buy and you are ready to battle. Enter the battle arena and right-click on the middle block to register for the battle. Then go to ...

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With so much coming to the fore in terms of new features and adaptations on our first foray into the metaverse in version 2.0 residing upon Minetest, we thought it pertinent to shed some light on all that has been going on with a tech demo.  Some pretty spectacular things happening here, and this demo will shed light on why Minetest has become such a gossip portal ...

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I have been busy buzzing around on The Uplift World Minetest Test Server today. My new build a bee house with garden and bee hives. Devonia59 Just one of many incredible builds over on The Uplift World Minetest Test Server courtesy of Devonia59.  Be sure to check out more from the following posts. There’s Not Mushroom Here! Minetest Metaversal Builds (Vol. 1) Christmas Is Coming! Minetest Metaversal Builds ...

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Great fun at the new quest at The Sugar Hotel on the Uplift World Test Server. Go and see if you can complete it, just take the portal to the Highlands and follow the snow path through the sky to get there! Once there, follow the instructions in the lobby. After the Sugar Hotel quest it was over to the Battle Arena for battling with the bots. ...

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Come and check out Christmas on the Uplift World Test Server,. It snows regularly and there are lights on the trees. There are cookies, gingerbread men and eggnog, also candy canes that give you a sugar rush which is great fun! Grab yourself a stocking, hang it up and wait for your gift to arrive (every 30 to 60 mins). Put up your tree and decorate it ...

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It was off to the Mariposa  Quest on the Uplift World Test Server. Take the yellow portal from spawn to Aussie Land, then follow the path from Mitzi‘s or use F5 1406, 1010. Follow the instructions in the lobby. The first 10 quest finishers each week will receive an Epic Rarity Mitzi NFT. Watch out for the mobs in the abyss!! It is open all week! After ...

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