What a fantastic Halloween party today on the Uplift Test Server. The scene had been set all ready for the fun, there were free spooky costumes, masks and lots of candy. Big thanks to Mitzi for organizing another fun Wednesday Walkabout. We had a surprise visitor in one of the pumpkin houses – Harry Potter ARboty had fun trying on different spooky costumes The Lava Monster made ...

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It all began with an idea, an idea for fun implemented into a Wednesday Walkabout.  Golden blocks were hidden in chests all over the new Minetest land and the goal was to find these and use them to build a Golden Palace atop a Majestic Mountain.  Special thanks to all who attended to help with the hunting and construction, and also to Mitzi who generously supplied refreshments ...

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The Uplift World: 8.17.2022 Today was getting ‘Lost in the Sugar’ at the Sugar Hotel Resort in Gratitude (4000, 2000)! Walk About with Samantha15 (AKA AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH). Visited farms, shops and did a quest, great fun! Special thanks to Devona59 for once again sharing all her in game and event and experience images.  Looking forward to many more events and community images in the near and distant future ...

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