Some amazing art on display at Sunset Tower (Londom 3700, 3000) inside The Uplift World Metaverse captured first hand by Art Walks Tour Guide and in house event photographer SouloftheCat. Keep your eyes peeled over on the #Events-Feed channel of our official Discord server for upcoming Art Walk and other exciting one of a kind Uplift World Events. They are so good we reckon its impossible to attend ...

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Ever heard of, “a SciFi webcomic by artist @Kayemmo about aliens at a base in Antarctica who love the Earth but are ambivalent about its inhabitants and hate their jobs”?!? Well, neither had I until I stumbled upon the build in Upluft at 2275, 3500.  Truth be told, the reality of the situation is that it kinda stumbled upon me, but when our very own ...

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The imagination got to churning and ideas springing into action upon coming across an Uplift World Build Off Banano Daily Peel Event announcement revolving around a CryptoMonkey’s themed Uplift World build off. Have you ever played Minecraft or would like to give it a try? Now is your chance to not only have fun playing the game but also win Banano, CryptomonKeys, Upliftium and WAX!!! Yes, yes ...

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