Degen-1 is a survival world region of The Uplift World blockchain based metaverse. At its simplest this means that constructing within this region is fraught with danger. The desire to come into a survival world region and fight tooth and nail to put up a landmark worthy of visitation really is something only a true UpLifter could understand. Whether it be the incentive to expand a personal ...
Perspective really is a wonderful thing. Take for instance these recent shots by Gary the Architect of The Colosseum in Gratitude 4700, 1600 utilizing BSL / HRR with 1024 RTX resourcepack. It always amazes us how different each and every perspective of not only the shaders but the bearer of the lens can be. One of the many benefits of wandering around The Uplift World really is ...
As noted in Center City, Where theUplift.World Metaverse all began, the Uplift World is fast becoming the new standard for what it means to be a metaverse in this new paradigm that is the present collision of porting online with a preference towards blockchain enabled technology. In this piece then, let us dive into yet another portion of the Uplift World to shed light upon what fascinating things ...
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