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Minecraft CREATIVE World on WAX

Genesis World

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Genesis is our first region ever available to be populated by early adopters, have its region minted as NFTs, and is a very special creative place! Genesis is more developed than other servers, due to primarily its early availability to lots of partner community projects and the sheer scale and speed people can develop at with so few limitations. You will find some of the most amazing project HQ’s, community, gallery, and individualized builds in the entire metaverse scattered amongst the various sized plots in Genesis.

The Land for this world lives on  
World Size
get_field('field_name'); $rail = $context['post']->get_field('field_name'); $plots=landx+$rail; echo "Sum: ",$plots; ?> plots
World Area

Partners & Brands in this world

Genesis is our first region ever available to be populated by early adopters, have its region minted as NFTs, and is a very special creative place! Genesis is more developed than other servers, due to primarily its early availability to lots of partner community projects and the sheer scale and speed people can develop at with so few limitations. You will find some of the most amazing project HQ’s, community, gallery, and individualized builds in the entire metaverse scattered amongst the various sized plots in Genesis.

End Dragon

News & Events

The Uplift World Metaverse

Community Logo Project

Our community is a large group of active people who have been a big part of helping us develop our value base and direction.
That is also the reason the Uplift is on its way on the transition to a community DAO in which the community decides on which features are delivered and plays a huge active role in the development of the project.

World FAQ

Do you want to partner with this World, or the Uplift in general too?

Please reach out to our marketing via this form:

Get land in this world

Buy Land from players on the secondary markets

About this metaverse

The Uplift Logo
Uplift World Partners
Uplift World Partners


  • An ever-growing platform that connects communities, games like Minecraft, and a powerful crafting and NFT economy through technology and gratitude.
  • A buzzing place that connects communities, people, family, & friends through creativity, art games, and more.
  • A space that allows every player to participate in the development and success of the project through the power of decentralized governance.