Recently I’ve been wandering around portal hubs galore in primarily Londom and UpLuft in an effort to find the best locations to procure resources for The Gratitude SkyRail extensions. It really is quite interesting to see the sheer amount of portals leading to shops and other places, so much so that sometime I just cannot help but get sidetracked.  Just so happens that this time my trip ...

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If you recall from our last Round About Impressions of The Uplift World, it was on my way south from an undisclosed location when I came across the Gratitude Mansion which ended up being featured.  It was in fact a pit stop on the way back to the central district of the Gratitude SkyRail Pagoda Retreat area at2600, 3700 from The Heart of Gratitude that led me ...

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Was jetting south down the rail in Gratitude the other night when I came across this lone massive mansion trackside at 3050, 3200 and 3050, 3250.  I mean how could I not jettison off the rail and hop on in for a look. Nice welcome foyer for visitors with some pretty intricate details. Well stocked storage is always a good sign in a mansion of this size. ...

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Was over in Londom the other day getting some shots for Silvereye’s Londom Portal Design Challenge when I cam across this gem just to the north at 3000, 3050.  Pretty unique castle build right there on the rail with lots of detail definitely worth a look see. Really enjoyed this one on multiple levels, literally.  Heading down to the space beneath the sea was especially fun seeing all ...

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So with the Lift Off NFT Sale Event having come to a close last week, things have been heating up with new builds across The Uplift World regions.  Personally I have been keeping myself busy working diligently on The Gratitude SkyRail and facilitating a change over in a way to get more community content onto as outlined in Alpha Article Features Calibrated for All (which I ...

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Over in Chik’in Ka’ah the other day just south of spawn at the 2464, 2646 portal hub getting ready for the ibelonghere Animation Event when just next door I came across the portal for The Harlequin at 2250, 4500.   I mean, how could I not jump through to the build and see just how all the insane madness spelled out on that portal poster comes to life ...

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