Welcome to theUplift.World Community BLDRZ blog, where we do our best to bring you all the goods and focus in on the people and projects that make the metaverse what it is today.   For the second installment of this series, we have here with us today Jen, who you may very well recognize as a bit of a staple around these parts.  In addition to building in ...

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First and foremost, the Uplift World is a metaverse made up by all the amazing community members that are along with us on this journey.  Behind the scenes however, there are a whole host of very intelligent, talented, and good hearted people that are here for and doing far more than anyone on the outside looking in might see or recognize as normal.   As a team, these ...

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We officially interrupt the post in process for this surprise official announcement. Not so long ago TheUplift.World embarked upon this little experiment jumpstarting into action what it might be like to put Minecraft on the blockchain, and in no time flat, where we are now is but a distant figments of that place in which we have been brought through our imagination. Of course we have many ...

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By Jennifer Barrett For Corey Cottrell, the story of The Uplift.World began with the sun rising over a bout of clinical depression. “I decided, well, I’m gonna go out to the beach and meet the sunrise each morning and list some things I’m grateful for. And we started doing it (in the world) in the Cathedral 1.0… and it turned into a metaverse.” “I’ve never been a ...

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For those who may not know, the Uplift World is fast becoming the new standard for what it means to be a metaverse in this new paradigm that is the present collision of porting online with a preference towards blockchain enabled technology. Although there are sure to be posts in the the near future discussing all things of this manner and nature, the purpose of this mini series ...

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