Despite what our jaded time soaked crypto memories tell us, it really has not been all that long since this mission to open and bring people into theUplift.World Metaverse began. In that short time however, so much has transpired that we thought it pertinent to throw out an update showcasing the basics of all these various worlds for both UpliftWorld guppies and long time hodl info followers ...
Just because many of us have dived into the mentality of all work and no play in the physical realm, one of the most amazing things about life, liberty, and fun for all within the framework of theUplift.World is that we once and for all have the ability to map our own futures in accordance to how we perceive this and every other world we live in. ...
Have you been in the telegram channel today?!? So many questions that are begging for answers. Being in ALPHA sometimes it is even tough for us to keep up, but the past 24 hours especially have been jam packed with updates and goodness, so we thought it might be useful to collect the most important of these all in one place and try to get something out ...
Recently we did this thing. You may have seen it mentioned in the telegram or on Twitter. We call it the UpList. So ya, let’s talk about it!  Basically then, considering all the hype that our NFTs have been generating, not to mention theUplift.World in general, we wanted to come up with a way to ensure that value was passed on to all those that have thus ...
The Uplist is the growing community-based whitelist especially for the Uplift World! Let’s begin with the simplest play by play so those that need it fast can continue upon their way. Who: Anyone previously registered for the UpList Where: Follow the link from the Uplift World homepage What: Uplift Rail Sale made up of a total of 1400 Non-transferable UpList tokens for 5000 WAX per token. When: Begins 6.23.2021 at 8 ...
We officially interrupt the post in process for this surprise official announcement. Not so long ago TheUplift.World embarked upon this little experiment jumpstarting into action what it might be like to put Minecraft on the blockchain, and in no time flat, where we are now is but a distant figments of that place in which we have been brought through our imagination. Of course we have many ...
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