Wombat Dungeon Master: The Whitepaper

The Uplifter Logo Dragon

December 15, 2021


Recent developments in the NFT space proved once again how enriching this type of assets can be for games. We see many blockchain games flourishing in the ongoing wave of NFT popularity and recognition. The overall rise also reflected on the resounding success of Womplay and the entire Wombat ecosystem. More NFT games and marketplaces join us and more of our partners in the mainstream gaming industry are willing to explore NFTs.

We are determined to utilize this momentum and give more content to our community and provide even more value and use cases to our partners. At the very same time, we have always strived to provide the simplest and most engaging solutions. With those intentions in mind, we’ve created the Dungeon Master game.To ensure the project’s success and scalability and to extrapolate our experience with a blockchain gaming-oriented consumer sector, we will launch Dungeon Master on both the EOS and WAX blockchains.

This white paper will help you understand how you as a player or as a blockchain game developer can benefit from using Dungeon Master.

The current NFT hype has empowered many creators and enthusiasts in the space, and we want to see these gains extend beyond its subsidence. Through these long-lasting effects comes the long-awaited recognition for the industry, and collaborative projects like Dungeon Master can greatly aid in achieving this goal.

If you have any questions, please contact us at support@wombat.app.



Goal & Gameplay

As a player, you are free to set your own goals in the Dungeon Master. Ultimately, it comes down to getting the desired NFT loot in as few dungeon runs as possible.

In essence, you will be assuming the role of the dungeon master, hiding treasures represented as NFTs in the dungeon for your Wombats to find. Dungeon runs of your Wombat initially take 24 hours to complete, but we will be supporting other durations at a later stage, as well.

Upon return, Wombats return the hidden treasure along with other things they may find underground. You’ll be able to claim any of the loot from your Wombat’s dungeon run upon completion of the 24 hours duration.

From a technical perspective, you will need to stake any NFTs the dungeon master hides in the dungeon. As long as they are staked, these NFTs are unavailable for any other transactions or e.g. to be used within Womplay. The max number of NFTs staked per blockchain is 100. If you no longer wish to use the staked NFTs in the Dungeon Master, you can unstake them at any time, however, these NFTs will become available for claiming back after 24 hours.

Mining power

Every NFT you stake in the game has a specific mining power. It is determined by rarity and template’s age — i.e., NFTs with a locked template will have more mining power. The mining power values range between 1-5000.

The mining power of your staked NFTs determines the success of your Wombat’s dungeon run. The efficiency of your dungeon runs will be determined by the level of your Wombat.

All players start at level 1 with only 10% of that mining power. As your Wombat’s level increases, you will unlock more capacity. The level and mining power progression are calculated as level + 9. For example, a level 12 wombat will have 21% of the NFTs’ mining power.


In its first iteration, you will receive one Wombat in the Dungeon Master with standard stats. The following stats have a direct effect on your loot:

  • Speed – reducing the time spent on a dungeon run
  • Uranium harvest – defines the amount or uranium your wombat gets in a single dungeon run
  • Max carriage – defines the overall loot capacity of your wombat
  • Duration – increases the max. allowed time for a single dungeon run
  • Experience – defines the level your wombat is at. The greater the wombat’s level, the bigger is its power.


Items are discoverable NFT rewards that can be used to enhance your Wombat. They will be available in the game as part of the first major post-launch update. Once items are available in the game, they will have variable effects on the following stats:


Any items can be transferred, sold or burned via NFT marketplaces such as Atomic Hub.

Material and cCafting

Crafting will be an essential part of the Dungeon Master experience, introducing more variety to the gameplay. Crafting will enable players to create their own enhancement using the materials their Wombats find during the dungeon runs.

The first material players can discover soon after launch is uranium. Given that Wombats inhabit the Australian continent, all crafting materials will be represented by minerals and other resources typically found on Australian soil.

Materials will be introduced to the game before crafting so that players can accumulate more of them to create more diverse items.


At the end of a dungeon run, players receive various types of rewards. These rewards include:

  • NFTS (not in beta)
  • URANIUM (not in beta)

These drop rates will be determined around the release of NFT and crypto rewards in the following months. They are subject to change. The factors include, but are not limited to, items applied by players, special arrangements as part of partner agreements, special events, conditions set for the user-generated dungeons and so forth.


Dungeon Master will operate in seasons. After the conclusion of each season, the season rewards will be paid out to all participants who have earned a minimum amount of reward points. The first, “beta season”, will pay a 10000$ prize pool to all participants with at least 100 reward points at the end of the season. The beta season starts with the beta launch of Dungeon Master on December 15th, 2021, and ends on January 31st, 2022. Rewards of the first season will be distributed in WAX or EOS, depending on each user’s choice. For every 10000 reward points collected throughout the season, each participant will receive 1$ from the prize pool at the end of the beta season.

The beta season will launch with very limited functionality. Many of the functionalities described in this white paper will launch after the end of the beta season.


We aim to make Dungeon Master not only an engaging staking game but also a platform for NFT projects on EOS and WAX to reach more users and promote themselves. As our partner, you will join a rich ecosystem with 1.2 million players, NFT collectors and crypto enthusiasts. By integrating with Dungeon Master, you will gain an additional utility for your NFT project — but the benefits for you expand onto our entire lineup of products:

  • Access to 1.2 Mio. NFT-savvy players
  • Higher demand and thus trading volume for your NFTs
  • Additional promotions such as native wallet listings, banners, push notifications, pop-ups, dedicated newsletters, etc.
  • Simple handling of your NFTs in the Wombat wallet
  • No transaction costs for trading NFTs with the Wombat Wallet

For Q1-Q2 2022, we plan to take the following steps in the project’s development:

  • 15.12.2021Dungeon Master launches its open beta version
  • January 2022: Adding material, items and leveling up
  • February 2022: Adding more items and crafting
  • March 2022: Adding more Wombats
  • April 2022: Adding more dungeons; dungeons become collection-dependent.

This paper’s contents, including, but not limited to terms, conditions, timelines, naming, mentioned blockchains, currencies and so forth are subject to change along with further development of the Dungeon Master.

Posted here with permissions given.  Read the original at https://dungeon.wombat.app/learn-more

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The Uplifter Logo Dragon

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