#128weeks Week One – I Don’t Belong Here & I’m Going To Fail!

The Uplifter Logo Dragon

January 11, 2023

Every Week I’m going to pop by WhereWeHideAllTheAlpha.com (here) and chat about what I’m learning week over week with my little artistic side project 128weeks.xyz.

TLDR on the project? It’s an A.I. enhanced art run of 1of1 NFTs that will drop every single day for 128 weeks.  Go big or go home right??

TLDR on what I learned:

Imposter syndrome and fear of failure would have dominated this week if it weren’t for these 3 things:

  • focus on PROCESS
  • A couple awesome humans who supported the project by buying the first 3 days NFTs!! 

What did I learn from week one?

  • first… that I was super scared to start ;  Super nervous to “fail” and having to remind myself over and over that the process really is why I committed to this.  The work and the learning and the experience is why I’m doing it.   Just DOING THE WORK makes it a success!! 
  • NeftyBlocks rocks.   I’m not a technical person by any means and I managed to navigate getting my collection setup and my first drops done up really smoothly.   
  • On the publishing side, I’m posting once daily to FB, Twitter, and on twitter I just started a list of NFT art aggregators to post on when they ask people to post art.  I figure there will be alot of noise there but it might be a great way to meet other artists.   I want to do weekly spaces with other NFT artists to pick their brains.   
  • *by the end of the week I think that list is crap.  Its engagement farming that is 98% noise. Live and learn. 
  • IMPOSTER SYNDROME holy crap! Seriously.  Me? An “artist”???  Logically I know it’s effectively true if/when I say it is.. But…. dang.   
  • Its day 3 and no sales and will there ever be any at all? And whats that going to be like because im not fucking quitting.   
  • ^^ By the morning of day 4 the first 3 days had sold out. I don’t think there’s been any sales since. But 3/7 in the first week is great!   I think week 2 could likely go back to 0/7.  I think a huge part of why the first 3 sold was the visibility of conversations I was having about A.I. art etc.  I was with family on a little vaykay this week and didnt have anywhere near as much time to work on things as I’d have like.  System enhancements could include posting to Insta, posting more news articles, asking more badasses to give me feed back more regularly
  • Reminding myself to just focus on shipping product every day.   Just get it done.  And be committed to constant improvement. 
  • Overthinking this weekly post is BAD lol. I have officially spent more time worrying about wether this post would be worth anything than the time I’ve spent on writing it.   Smh.  sheesh. 
  • Seeing some signs of MOMENTUM!!  I talked to a few really amazing people about doing single day collabs for this collection!!  FUN!!!!
  • Speaking of which, I may get an NFT reviewed by a guy I met on twitter. Need to get back in touch with him.  
  • OH!! AND!!!!   Owners of these NFTs will be able to turn them into all kinds of merch.   Topmerch.eth.link is going to be awesome!

How can I improve week two over week one?

  • Aggregate best twitter follows. The chatgpt / ai space on twitter is ON FIRE.  some really great follows.  Could share one a day in the NFT or add them here to bring a ton of value to this post?
  • Get the possible collabs organized and scheduled
  • How improve posting strategy? Add INSTA, TikTok?  Do a weekly fb reel?
  • Create a gallery of each week on a diff piece of land in the Uplift. 
  • What data should I analyze?  It’s a personal belief that sales will follow from attention and community around the collection so… number of holders obviously (who will all be integrated into a community at least on twitter but maybe elsewhere as well).  Should I actually get into the twitter/fb/insta follower game?  I can’t help but think being intentional about creating a bigger network on socials will have positive ROI
  • Do more brainstorming about how to showcase Uplift in the marketing process for #128weeks

Here’s what Week One Looked like

Day One – SOLD!


Day Two – SOLD!


Day Three – SOLD!


Day Four – Grab It Now!

Day Five – Grab It Now! 


Day Six – Grab It Now! 


Day Seven – Grab It Now! 



Corey Cottrell   @coreycottrell


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Uplift World Partners


  • An ever-growing platform that connects communities, games like Minecraft, and a powerful crafting and NFT economy through technology and gratitude.
  • A buzzing place that connects communities, people, family, & friends through creativity, art games, and more.
  • A space that allows every player to participate in the development and success of the project through the power of decentralized governance.