In more than a minor sense, all of us are to some extent products of our environments. However, the yin to the yang of that is our environments too are also in constant flux being constantly shaped by our presence within them. A harmony in life and balance of influence is often the case when it comes to how we interact with our environments and those in ...
‘Earn Crypto With Minecraft | The Uplift World | Play to Earn | A Fun Introduction’ The caliber of our little community here and what they produce is honestly and truly amazing. Just surfing around doing our thing, we cannot tell you how humbling it becomes to see the take that others have on all that The Uplift World is doing and in the process of becoming. ...
It’s always interesting to note the deeper reflections behind ones choices for builds here in the metaverse. Sometimes real life has a way of creeping up on us and forcing us to take a step back from the things we enjoy most, so it’s more than understandable that when Ebeneezer first bought his Gratitude pack for $200 he had contradicting notions of opening it or flipping it ...
The metaverse is vast in its inhabitants, and equally as extensive in the empowering inspirations brought to life as truly remarkable builds. Of course every build has a story, but this story is more than likely going to have an affect upon the whole iconic nature of this staple Ghostbusters cultural symbol above and beyond what you could possibly imagine. Before we dive in completely however, for ...
“Krampus’ Wishlist is a build I made for the Cryptostache Christmas Build Competition on Genesis (1250,1850) with the help of my friend NFG_Raimbaut. I honestly didn’t think I would put in as much effort and creativity into this build as I did, but I am so glad I did. Due to the Gratitude build contest I wasn’t really able to give this competition much attention, and when ...
Welcome to Ka’ah Quest, an interactive art gallery that you explore with puzzles, story, and a side quest with collectibles. Completing puzzles unlocks sections of the art gallery, unlocks doors to other puzzles, and the completion of the gallery section activates powers for you, the explorer. Inspired by ArtVndngMchn and Zelda video games, Ka’ah Quest aims to inspire explorers to create something in any medium and share ...
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