Feeling hungry? Come and visit Mitzi’s Mess Hall on Minetest!
New to The Uplift World MineTest Network?!?
Minetest is an open source voxel game engine that is host to the next iteration of Uplift World land and adventures. Much like the MVP of the The Uplift World on Minecraft, Minetest allows for a customizable metaversal building experience that anyone can plug into the create their own little corner of the future. Open source here is the key, and in fact, what happens to be one of the things we are most excited about. You can try out Uplift Metaversal life in Minetest today by following the our very own Uplift World Minetest Quick Start Guide below:
So for those of you that have ever wondered about what The Uplift World metaverse experience may entail beyond our original platform of preference, here is your chance to follow up with all that is beloved from the old and enticing for future open source development in the new. Be sure to head on over and check it out when the time suits, and get ready for all the fun events coming your way in this second version of the metaverse already underway.
A multiplayer metaverse initially built on Minecraft consisting of 9 differing creative and survival worlds powered by blockchain based NFT’s, community members of The Uplift World have the ability to explore, build, and shape various creative and survival sectors and be rewarded through the process. Beyond all the amazing styles of builds, we are looking at hosting an increasing number of events such as PVP E-sports or open gallery showings designed to entice the living community that is our foundation for positive growth and change. We are also in the process of expanding the usability of our NFTs not only across blockchains, but multilayering them so that one single NFT will in time hopeflully act as an access pass to multiple first layer metaverse options. Interested to learn more? Check out the official project links below and be sure to brush up on the more top notch features on every variety of build you could possibly imagine by skimming all that speaks to your personal bias and style right here on WhereWeHideAllTheAlpha.com.

The Uplift World Official Links
- Homepage: https://theuplift.world/
- White Paper: https://upliftworld.gitbook.io/upliftworld-whitepaper
- The Uplift DAO: https://snapshot.org/#/theuplift.eth
- The Uplift World Maps: https://worldmaps.theuplift.world/OldWorld#world;flat;-1258,64,894;0
- Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/theuplift
- Discord: https://discord.gg/6nsQ95Y7mu
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/theupliftworld
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theupliftworld
- Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/Theupliftworld.metaverse/
- TheUpLifters YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohVIIu-RV
- TheUpLifters Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theuplifters