
Located in Chik’in Ka’ah at 2800, 4050, this particular 200×200 build completed by epicdrewdown combines both a coliseum and pantheon into a pretty interesting display of ancient Roman characteristics.
The Coliseum











The Pantheon











On their own, each of these buildings are impressive, but together with all the added details linking and surrounding them, the scale of what has been created here is nothing but fantastically epic in all its nature and proportions. It is the vision, determination, and dedication of amazing builds such as this that fuels so much of the internal spirt of both the team and community of our little metaverse we call home. It should come as no surprise that Silvereye is also pondering ways to utilize and engage with others in The Uplift World in the very near future, and we have some cool ideas we are working with that when rolled out may add to his playbook too.
As for you out there dear reader, certainly no need to wait for all that to be rolled out, as just by heading on in to the metaverse and touring around you’ll gain a portion of the rewards that go out to the community weekly for our rewards seasons. And of course, it is a great way to show your appreciation for all the great builds just like this featured here on WhereWeHideAllTheAlpha.com and throughout The Uplift World in general.