UpLift UpDate

The Uplifter Logo Dragon

October 14, 2021

Hello UpLifters.  Hope you are all doing well and have been enjoying your time both in the Uplift World Metaverse and beyond.  At least within, there has been a ton of things happening to keep us all engaged, and beyond an insane amount of plot development in our various creative and survival regions of the Uplift World, some rather groundbreaking updates along our journey to the future of what we are building here together.  Considering this, we thought it pertinent to release a general overview here just to be sure you are all informed.

Genesis Calls a New Server Home

In our mission to improve the Uplift World Metaverse experience for all, we have begun the host migration towards AWS.  This means that the active Genesis sector is now on a server entitled metaverse2.theuplift.world. This is for the Genesis Server only at the moment, so please note that if you are interacting with the other sectors such as Gratitude, Upluft, or Thoon that you will still be using the old server address at metaverse.theuplift.world. A full migration is planned very soon however, so please keep your ears to the ground in our official Discord channel for more updates.

Discord Migration Underway

Speaking of Discord, as most of you should already be aware, the Uplift World team has decided to port all of our communications to Discord.  We will actually be turning our official telegram off to members of the community to be able to interact with.  It basically comes down to optimizing our communications, and operating across multiple platforms with differing audiences is a real strain on our time which we could be using more productively.

We have chosen Discord for a number of reasons, but most importantly, because quite simply it just allows us more options.  We know it can be a big change for those used to telegram, but we are trying our best to make the transition both easy and worth everyone’s while.  Already we have seen an influx of followers and contributions to events being held in honor of all the new and interesting things we can do such as was in the case with the Fire Memes #migration contest and the awarding of the Discord Wings for those who joined and completed the proper steps the 1st to the 8th of this past month.  No promises, but honestly, we migrated to be able to devote more of our attention to you and engage with you all the more, so I wouldn’t bet on these being the last of the events to keep you on your toes in our new primary social channel.

What exactly are these for then? Well, at least right now only a cool collectible, but honestly, you never know if or when this may change. Stranger things have happened on both extremes.  Regardless, we are looking forward to engaging you all at our new home on Discord in new and exciting ways, so hop on over there so your not left out in the cold when the telegram finally gets closed off to the public.  The Uplift World Discord is found for your interactive perusal at https://discord.gg/rFDEDMct.

And just in case there are those out there that might be a little intimidated or not have time to learn this strange new social platform, you might want to check out this video that aired on theUpLifters channel not so very long ago with our resident Discord wizard Oops! for a rundown of the basics to help get you on your way.


Rewards Season Two Finally Underway

For those of you that have been waiting in anticipation for the last, well, quite frankly the last nail biting on the edge of your seat torturous wondering if you should check yourself into active play reward rehab for the last 7 day off season hiatus, the time has finally come to get your move for Season 2 rewards on.  A lot has changed since the first season.  What you may ask? Well, none of us are honestly at liberty to say, as at the end of the day we have decided to keep this all a mystery.  That said, for the next 6 weeks at least you know that more things that you do in the Uplift World will be getting you a piece of the pie.  Keep an eye on our socials and your balances in an effort to try to decipher just what actions are getting you the most bang for your time.

Hall of Rules

In an effort to try to make more clear and define what we are deeming at this stage the Alpha Rulez, our in metaverse team has begun construction on the Hall of Rules.  Although far from complete, it is definitely worth a gander to get the gist of what types of bad behaviors we are always on the look out for.  Of course you can find the complete list of Alpha Rules amongst our Code of Conduct on The Uplift World homepage under the Getting Started tab here, for the rules themselves it is much more fun to have a gander at the amazing display in all it’s glory put together by our team in Old World adjacent to the the Transport Hub and collect those awesome active player rewards at the same time.

The Cathedral, the Transport Hub, and the adjacent Hall of Rulez in the Old World right next to spawn.
The Hall of Rulez through way
Zero Harassment Policy, No Griefing or Lava Casting, No Infinite Loops
No Rail Diverting, No Glitching or Cheating, Auto Farms are Bad
The beginning of a grand entrance to all who stumble upon the Uplift World

Getting Those Amazing Builds and Events Featured

For those of you that might have missed it, we have in fact been reaching out to various people within the metaverse in an effort to showcase as much of the amazing buildz and event content we possibly can.  For the 30,000 foot view of all the possibilities, please do take the time to check out our last UpLift UpDate below.

Uplift Update: The Path to Featured BUILDZ & Events Inside Your Uplift World

In addition to all those above, we have also been adding a few shows to the channel that you can all look forward to either actively participate in or passively tuning into for your viewing pleasure.  These new additions include:

  • UpLift Events: a series dedicated to covering some of the amazing collective activities and events in this Uplift World Metaverse we call home.
  • Coffee with Legends: a series hosted by Corey and what madness ensues as he jumps in the know with some of these already and up and coming titans over a tasty blend to caffeinate your interest levels to all new highs.
  • The Metaversal Effect: a show dedicated to getting together with others working on defining the future of how people interact through the full spectra of possibilities encompassed in the virtual constructs of space and time.

As always, if you are interested in participating in any of the above featured articles or shows on our network, please don’t be shy and get in touch with Jimmy D through our official Uplift World Discord channel.

Upliftium Services

As many are likely aware, the requests for Upliftium Services has recently skyrocketed.  The amount of galleries, portals, and picture shoots is truly mind boggling, especially for those doing hundreds a day.  In an effort to better streamline the process and maximize efficiency of both the providers and requesters, The Jen & Jimmy D recently did part one of a demo dedicated to this very topic. Please do check it out and look out for Part 2: The Metaversal Installer Companion Walkthrough.

Villager Emancipation Contest Results

As mentioned in our Discord Announcements channel, the recent Villager Emancipation Contest wrapped up with some amazing entries.  We are never disappointed with the sheer creativity of all those who jump in with both feet and enhance everything we are trying to do 10 fold.  Of course would like to thank all those that participated and congratulate the winners, but we also want to encourage you to check out everyones amazing creations for this event in the list and video links below.

First Place: Small Town Cowboy’s Freedom Eve

Second Place:  The Villagers Ordeal


Third Place: 



Honorable Mentions 

All in all, it was a really great turn out on this one and we are excited to see what creativity and collective mythology spawns in future events.  If there was ever a community that excelled at creativity, this is it, and we wouldn’t be here to near the same degree as we are today without you all.  Thanks for all you do dear UpLifters, and do take care of yourselves both in the metaverse and beyond until we have the chance to meet again right here on another UpLift UpDate ;D





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The Uplifter Logo Dragon

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The Uplift Logo
Uplift World Partners


  • An ever-growing platform that connects communities, games like Minecraft, and a powerful crafting and NFT economy through technology and gratitude.
  • A buzzing place that connects communities, people, family, & friends through creativity, art games, and more.
  • A space that allows every player to participate in the development and success of the project through the power of decentralized governance.