Week 2 #128Weeks

The Uplifter Logo Dragon

January 14, 2023

10 Things I Learned In Week Two of #128Weeks of creating and dropping 1of1 AI ART / Writing NFTs

1.   It’s better to force yourself to do the work even if you have to do it quickly because you’re getting ready to leave town and take a vow of silence for a week, than to skip it.

2. You can force yourself to have ideas by making titles with “10 Things” in it. 😉   It’s the same as forcing yourself to drop a One of One NFT with writing in it every day for 128 weeks.

3.  Follow badasses on twitter.  Check my replies and RTs for some really amazing teachers. I’ll start bringing specifics back here when I have more time.

4.  I worried way less about not getting any sales this week over week one.  It’s my job now to start finding ways to make the collection more valuable and to get it out to more potential community members. It was always going to be a long haul.  *ps…. owning one of the NFTs is going to allow you to not only make merch with it, but SELL merch with it thanks to a friend of mine who’s building a tool for that.

5.  I had to get all of week 3 and a couple days of week 4 done over the last few days.  It was a lot but I got it done.   I am SUPER committed to not missing a day in these next 125 weeks.

6.  ChatGPT going down SUCKS!!  Amazing how much I enjoy using it for brainstorming and co-creating.

7.  Tried Midjourney for the first time.   It’s freakin awesome.  Way more importantly I helped my in-laws try it. Watching them get super addicted in under 10 minutes was a huge wake up call.  We NEED to get a midjourney bot channel working in the Uplift discord.  NEED NEED NEED.

8.   I got good at scheduling posts on twitter and FB to get ready for my week without technology.  That’s fun. FB is going to auto-post to Instagram too.   Still my plan to get posting on LinkedIn when i get back.

9.  I completely fucked up while making the NFTs for week3!!! Lost many hours.   I created all the templates under the week2 schema by accident. Had to do it all over again, and those templates in week2 are there on chain forever now.  Won’t ever mint but… CRAP!!

10.  This is going to work.


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The Uplifter Logo Dragon

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Uplift World Partners


  • An ever-growing platform that connects communities, games like Minecraft, and a powerful crafting and NFT economy through technology and gratitude.
  • A buzzing place that connects communities, people, family, & friends through creativity, art games, and more.
  • A space that allows every player to participate in the development and success of the project through the power of decentralized governance.